Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

3 Subjects

Importance of Leadership, Management, and Organizational Culture

Importance of Leadership, Management, and Organizational Culture

Q Week six please focus our discussion on the importance of leadership, management, and organizational culture. Different types of leadership styles, management systems, and an organization's culture are critical to successful strategic planning and a sustainable competitive advantage. Please post your cited initial post day three this week.

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The importance of leadership, management, and organizational culture cannot be ignored or overlooked as leadership is responsible for cultivating the actual foundation of culture for empowering the employees. In this way, it is really helpful for the employees to achieve the mission and vision of the company and to realize the exact need of their contribution in the ultimate success of the company in a proper manner. Management plays an important role for an organization as most of the important decisions are made by the management after analysing the current situation of the company (Hussain & Hassan, 2016).